She found her hearing again, but also her smile

The 12-year-old A. from Afghanistan lives with her family in the open accommodation structure for refugees and migrants in Ritsona. Her mother has been worried lately, because her underage daughter has severe hearing loss, and this makes it difficult or even impossible for her to communicate with others. The young teenager was isolated from those around her, she was unable to attend school classes, to make friends and she preferred to be alone in her bedroom, playing only with her younger sister. For all the above reasons, the psychological support of A. was deemed necessary by the team of experts of SolidarityNow who are present in the structure.

Following her visit to a clinical audiologist it was decided that she needs to wear hearing aids in order to regain her hearing. However, there were many obstacles and A.’s initial optimism that a solution was found, didn’t last long.

However, good news was just around the corner! There was a hearing aid shop whose owner offered to try otoplastics on A. for free, to see if there was a suitable hearing aid for her.

The day the girl tried on the hearing aid was the day her face started to light up again! After finding the hearing aid that matched the degree of her hearing loss and the proportions of her ear, the manager of the store decided to donate it to A.! Our team visited the store with the minor to pick up her hearing aid. A. introduced herself with enthusiasm and gratitude, “I am A. and I am 12 years old…”. Apart from her hearing, little A. found her smile again!

We would like to thank the company GP Medicals – Χ. ΓΑΖΗ – Ν. ΠΑΠΠΑΣ Κ ΣΙΑ Ο.Ε. for their gift to our young beneficiary and thus, for their support to our work.

*SolidarityNow’s “Child & Family Support Hubs” (CFSH) program is supported by UNICEF Greece and IOM Greece with funding by the EuropeanUnion.