PRESS RELEASE | SolidarityNow at the Athens Democracy Forum

Round table discussion on “The Difficult Search for Truth in Migration” In the framework of the annual Athens Democracy Forum, on October 2nd, SolidarityNow organized a discussion on the challenging search for truth in migration. The discussion was moderated by journalist Yannis Palaiologos, who facilitated a dynamic and thought-provoking dialogue among the panelists, focusing on […]


The event for the successful completion of the project “INtegration: through school into community” was held yesterday, April 25th. The project was implemented for six months with the collaboration among SolidarityNow, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the General Secretariat for Vulnerable Citizens and Institutional Protection. “INtegration” was embraced by the beneficiaries in […]

NEW Regional Conference: “Inequalities in Education”

Athens, March 20 & 21, 2024 The Active Citizens Fund (Acf) Operators for Greece -SolidarityNow and Bodossaki Foundation- and Bulgaria jointly organize a regional conference on “Inequalities in Education” in the context of ACF Regional Cooperation Initiatives. The conference brings together fund operators, civil society organizations, and national, regional, European, and international actors and stakeholders. […]

(Ελληνικά) Ημέρες Απασχόλησης +Ergasia: Μια γιορτή για την εργασία, μια γιορτή για την αποδοχή, μια γιορτή για όλ@!

 16 και 17 Φεβρουαρίου στην Τεχνόπολη του Δήμου Αθηναίων, οι Ημέρες Απασχόλησης με τίτλο +Ergasia, που συνδιοργάνωσαν το SolidarityNow και η Οδύσσεια, ολοκληρώθηκαν με μεγάλη επιτυχία! Η διήμερη δωρεάν εκδήλωση απασχόλησης παρείχε ποικίλες επαγγελματικές ευκαιρίες σε πάνω από 800 άτομα τα οποία παρευρέθηκαν με σκοπό την ενδυνάμωση τους, αλλά και την ένταξη ή/και επανένταξή τους […]

“All Children in Education”: Event for the International Day of Education at the Athens Solidarity Center

The International Day of Education (24.1.2024) turned into a wonderful celebration at the organization’s Athens Solidarity Center! Students of the “All Children in Education”* program welcomed special guests! The Deputy Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mrs. Sofia Voultepsi, along with Elena Paparizou and Giorgos Perris, goodwill ambassadors of UNICEF, visited the Center and shared smiles, […]

PRESS RELEASE | Closing Event of the “Empower YOUth” project

The event for the completion of the “Empower YOUth”* project took place on January 18th, in a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere. The project, launched in 2022, was implemented by SolidarityNow in collaboration with the Norwegian organization Norsensus Mediaforum. “Empower YOUth” aimed to empower 28 young individuals from various vulnerable groups, including Roma, migrants/asylum seekers, refugees, […]