The program MAMA – Supporting new and mothers-to-be is implemented afresh by SolidarityNow with the support of Eurolife FFH aiming to support new parents through the provision of a holistic package of supportive services and activities. Prenatal and postnatal counselling sessions, workshops, and events (in person and remotely) for perspective and new mothers and fathers as well as their toddlers, are organized to help them through their first steps as new parents, while also allow them to establish a supportive network on which they can count on during this period.
The program is run by an experienced midwife, a nutrition expert, and a child support officer. Through MAMA, a healing and safe environment is provided to support and guide parents throughout their first steps starting from pregnant life to postnatal care, parenthood and beyond. The program started in 2023 and continues for 2024 (press release: “Eurolife FFH renews its support to ‘MAMA’ for 2024“).