SolidarityNow is registered in the Greek and Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations Record of the Hellenic Ministry of Migration and Asylum, which are active in matters of international protection, migration and social inclusion in Greece.

SolidarityNow joins forces with international and Greek organizations, networks and institutions of the civil society and works together in order to enhance human rights and support all vulnerable populations.

The International Detention Coalition (IDC) is a unique global network, of over 300 civil society organisations and individuals in more than 70 countries, that advocate for, research and provide direct services to refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants affected by immigration detention.

The Racist Violence Recording Network was created on October 2011 through the initiative of the UNHCR office in Greece and the National Commission for Human Rights, in order to monitor the escalation of hate crimes. There are currently more than 35 nongovernmental organizations and other bodies that participate in the Network, providing legal, medical, social or other support services and come into contact with racist violence victims.

Transparency Register

Citizens can, and indeed should, expect the EU decision-making process to be as transparent and open as possible. The more open the process is, the easier it is to ensure balanced representation and avoid undue pressure and illegitimate or privileged access to information or to decision-makers. Transparency is also a key part of encouraging European citizens to participate more actively in the democratic life of the EU. The transparency register has been set up to answer core questions such as what interests are being pursued, by whom and with what budgets. The system is operated jointly by the European Parliament and the European Commission.

SolidarityNow joined the Transparency Register platform to contribute to its goals and vision.

Visit the site

SolidarityNow participates in thessdiktyo, a non-formal network of the voluntary organizations of Thessaloniki which has been founded in 2011. Its main goals are collaboration and networking in local and regional level, exchange of ideas and good practices, and the promotion of the value of voluntarism and active participation in social actions.

SolidarityNow participates in the Select Respect Network which contributes to the formation of an open society with respect for human rights and the acceptance of diversity at all levels of social and political life. The organizations-members of the Select Respect Network collaborate on actions that contribute to combat discrimination and unequal treatment of social exclusion and racism, to promote solidarity and strengthen social cohesion, to empower vulnerable social groups.

SolidarityNow joined Pal Network, a European Network for fighting discrimination and integration in education and employment of vulnerable groups (Roma people, Gypsies, Travelers and Minorities) that provides initiatives for strengthen awareness raising and training priorities and policies, aiming among others, to speed up Roma and Minorities Integration and to support the implementation of National Inclusion Strategies and the Council Recommendation of Roma and Minorities Integration.

Registries – Certifications

SolidarityNow is registered in the National Registry of Institutions of the Private Sector Non-profit holding social care services and in the Special Registry of the Volunteering Non Governmental Organizations of the Greek Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity. The registered members in the above registries are recognized as certified bodies of the National Social Care System.
SolidarityNow is also registered to the relevant National Registry of the Ministry of Migration Policy


SolidarityNow, following a ministerial decision, received a Special Certification as a Provider of Primary Social Care Services (Government Gazette No. 2341).

SolidarityNow is a member of the International Human Rights Funders Group, a global network of donors and grantmakers committed to advancing human rights around the world through effective philanthropy.

SolidarityNow is a member of ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles, a pan-European alliance of 90 NGOs protecting and advancing the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons. Our mission is to promote the establishment of fair and humane European asylum policies and practices in accordance with international human rights law.

SolidarityNow is part of CIVICUS, a global alliance of civil society organisations and activists dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society throughout the world.


FEANTSA is the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless. It is the only European NGO focusing exclusively on the fight against homelessness. Their ultimate goal is an end to homelessness in Europe. Established in 1989, FEANTSA brings together non-profit services that support homeless people in Europe. They have over 130 member organisations from 30 countries.

The the Greek Network for Shelter and Housing was founded in 2010 by twenty social and public organizations that help fight homelessness in Greece, support socially excluded groups and the homeless and advocate for the right to quality housing for all.

The main objectives of the Network are:
• Promoting the right to decent housing as a fundamental social right for all.
• Promote legislative measures for the protection and housing of homeless people, for the adoption of preventive measures and for the promotion of social housing.
• The fight against social and institutional racism against the homeless.
• Raising public awareness of the extent of the problem and the apparent and invisible dimensions of homelessness in our country.

SolidarityNow has been a member of the Network since October 2017.


SolidarityNow has been certified by NGOsource as being the equivalent of a U.S. public charity.

ALLILEGGIE SOLIDARITYNOW’s Equivalency Determination certification is valid through December 31, 2024.

PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, is a network of organisations working to ensure social justice and human rights for undocumented migrants.

The project “Thales II: Evaluation of Greek Nonprofit Organizations” is a continuation of the Thales I Project. It has a duration of two (2) years and is implemented by the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of the Peloponnese in collaboration with the Nonprofit Organization HIGGS.

SolidarityNow was among the 750 organizations that participated in the “Thalis II” project, collecting 3 stars and the silver badge.

Thales II has the following objectives:

  • First, to continue mapping and evaluating the Greek NPO ecosystem, offering all stakeholders (NPOs, funders, volunteers, researchers, the media, the wider public, etc.) a complete and objective image of the sector.
  • Secondly, to include in the evaluation process new, qualitative criteria to complement the quantitative ones used in Thales I.
  • Thirdly, to explore the possibilities of improving the credibility of Nonprofit Organizations in Greece and
  • Fourthly, to promote volunteering, broaden participation, raise awareness, and increase visibility and donations.

An important point is that the evaluation should result in a rating/categorization of organizations that participate. Thus, each organization receive a number of stars from one (1) to four (4) (best possible performance).