
UACFutures | “Building Futures, Sharing Good Practice:

Migrant Children’s Transition to Adulthood – UACFutures”

Unaccompanied Minors need support not only during their childhood years but also in the first years as young adults. In that respect, in January 2022, SolidarityNow initiated the “UACFutures”, an 18-month project aiming to exchange good practices and propose improvements in the quality of support for migrant children during their transition to adulthood at European level, in collaboration with partners from Spain (Convive – Fundación Cepaim), the Netherlands (NIDOS, the national guardianship institution) and the Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors in Greece, under the coordination of the Council of Europe.

Four key areas known for their impact in Unaccompanied Children’s (UACs) life will be under the project’s lens, namely:

1) Psychological impact and support

2) Legal support and access to basic rights

3) Access to education and the labour market

4) Access to accommodation.

Taking young refugees’ opinions and experiences into account, the project aims to enhance Europe’s know-how and propose solutions, by creating a compendium of good practices, specially adjusted training material and initiate and mainstream dialogues across Europe regarding the support to migrant children transitioning to adulthood, utilizing audiovisual means, and involving key actors from other EU Member-states.

*The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission and the Council of Europe do not accept any responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.

Holistic intervention for the support of Unaccompanied Children in Northern Greece 

The program “Holistic intervention for the support of Unaccompanied Children in Northern Greece” started in 2021 funded by IsraAID Germany. The program supports holistically unaccompanied refugee children and children who have recently come of age through legal support, job counseling and recreational, sports and community building activities. The children benefited live in hostels and accommodation structures in Northern Greece.

Until today, 319 unaccompanied children have been supported through the program with job counseling and 218 unaccompanied children have received legal support.