They found a job…

In times of financial crisis and high unemployment rate, finding a job is a big personal success. The Employability project, implemented by Praksis, at Athens Solidarity Center, implements a concrete methodology assisting beneficiaries with integrating the labour market, through specialized counseling. Even if the project started providing services in December 2014, it has already produced some tangible and concrete results. Among many personal success stories, some are of special interest:

  • A 45 years-old woman from Greece, facing severe economic difficulties is currently employed as a kitchen assistant in a restaurant.
  • A 45 years-old woman from Greece, low qualified and unemployed for 3 years found a job as a cleaner in a cleaning company.
  • A 47 years-old woman from Albania, unemployed for 11 years found a job as fulltime baby-sitter.
  • A 54 years-old man from Greece, recently released from prison, found a job as delivery employee in a traditional grill tavern.
  • A 43 years-old man from Greece found a fulltime job as a worker in a dried fruit packaging factory.
  • A 35 years-old French speaking refugee from Congo, found a fulltime job as a kitchen assistant in a hotel in Pireus.
  • A 26 years-old English speaking asylum seeker from Nigeria, unemployed for 2 years, found a season job as general duties employee in a hotel in Karpathos.
  • A 19 years-old asylum seeker from Bangladesh, unemployed for 3 years, found a job as a kitchen assistant in a restaurant in Amorgos.
  • A 24 years-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan is currently employed in a dried fruits and nuts market.