The project “Trauma-informed Youth work Toolkit” is a collaboration between the organizations (Belgium), Minor Ndako (Belgium), SolidarityNow (Greece), and Save the Children (Romania), focused on the support of Trauma-informed Youth Work.
The project’s duration is September 2023 – March 2025 and aims to empower youth workers by developing a comprehensive toolkit with relevant knowledge, skills, and innovative hands-on tools they need to support young people facing trauma safely and effectively.
Additionally, training seminars for professionals for the best use of the toolkit will be organized. The toolkit will be freely accessible in multiple languages on organisations’ websites and podcast platforms.
About “Trauma-informed Youth work Toolkit”
* The project “Trauma-informed Youth work Toolkit” is co-funded by ERASMUS+ Strategic Leadership. All partners in this project support refugee children, youth and other vulnerable target groups. Through our work, we promote the values of inclusion, equality and diversity acceptance. By involving these specific project partners, we aim that the developed tools will be widely applicable by youth workers working with youth facing trauma. Moreover, youth workers will be able to adapt the tools to the specific needs and preferences of the vulnerable children and youth they work with, increasing their empowerment towards social inclusion.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project number: 2023-1-BE05-KA220-YOU-000157699]