Radio Spot #2
The following message is brought to you by UNHCR and Solidarity Now.
The Asylum Service has extended the closure of its services to the public until May 15th , including registrations, interviews and submissions of appeals. Documents of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection that have expired during this period are still considered valid.
All planned exits from ESTIA, both accommodation and cash, have been postponed until May 31st.
Additionally, the General Secretariat for Religion has issued the following instructions to Greece’s Muslim residents for the duration of Ramadan:
- Due to restrictions on gatherings, prayers during Ramadan can be performed at home.
- Iftar is allowed to take place only in houses, without any third parties (relatives, friends or other visitors).
- No free spaces in Athens or other municipalities in the country will be granted for prayers for Eid al-Fitr.
According to a joint decision of the Ministers of Health and of Education and Religious Affairs, religious ceremonies, including gatherings and group prayers during Ramadan, are not allowed until May 16th . It is advisable to perform prayers at home, however from May 4th individual prayers can also be performed at areas of worship, provided that the following measures are in place:
- Only one person will be allowed for every 10 m2 and they have to keep a distance of at least 1,5 meters between them;
- The use of hand antiseptic when entering the area is mandatory and it is advisable that everyone wears a mask when in the worship area;
- Natural ventilation of all areas of worship is mandatory.