Mr. S. achieved what he thought was unachievable with the right support

by the Athens Solidarity Center of SolidarityNow

One of the most interesting and challenging cases with which the social service team at the Athens Solidarity Center (ASC) had to deal with recently, was the one of a 68-year-old beneficiary from Greece with severe health problems.

Mr. S used to work in various sectors to support his family. His life changed dramatically twelve years ago when he was diagnosed with a critical lung problem that gradually worsened. Therefore, he is respiratory supported by a portable breathing apparatus, which allows him to stay outside his home for a very limited time and only with its support. All these years, his family’s only income was from his wife’s part-time job.

When Mr. S firstly asked help from the Athens Solidarity Center’s social service, he believed that social benefits were inaccessible because procedures are too complex.

Mr. S was immediately informed by the social service’s team about the four different support programs: invalidity allowance, pensions/welfare benefits for elderly persons who are uninsured, social household electricity and water tariff. Then, the social service’s team scheduled appointments at municipal offices, where the beneficiary could submit the necessary applications.

Moreover, due to Mr. S’ s health condition, which didn’t allow him to attend the appointments in person, the team contacted the nearest police station, and his wife got the authorization and represented him.

After many dedicated efforts of the ASC’s social service team, Mr. S received the benefits he was entitled to, a fact that created a new reality for him, empowering him financially and psychologically.

*From 1/8/2021 till 31/7/2022, the Athens Solidarity Center’s operation is supported through a grant from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation in the framework of its global COVID-19 Relief Initiative.

**From 1/7/2021 till 30/6/2022, Kahane Foundation supports the Psychosocial service of the Athens Solidarity Center.

***The Athens Solidarity Center by SolidarityNow is also supported by the Municipality of Athens.