NEW Regional Conference: “Inequalities in Education”

Athens, March 20 & 21, 2024

The Active Citizens Fund (Acf) Operators for Greece -SolidarityNow and Bodossaki Foundation- and Bulgaria jointly organize a regional conference on “Inequalities in Education” in the context of ACF Regional Cooperation Initiatives. The conference brings together fund operators, civil society organizations, and national, regional, European, and international actors and stakeholders.

The conference’s program includes keynote speakers, panel discussions, and interactive workshops.


The conference aims to share good practices and innovative approaches for achieving inclusive education and eliminating inequalities in educational access and outcomes. Particular emphasis will be placed on vulnerable groups, including refugee and migrant children, Roma children, and children with disabilities.


The conference will focus on four themes:

  1. Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education: Challenges and Opportunities
  2. Education of Refugee and Migrant Children
  3. Education of Roma Children
  4. Education of Children with Disabilities

The full conference schedule is here.

Click here for the invitation.

*This conference is a regional initiative in the context of the Active Citizens Fund programmes in Greece and Bulgaria funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants 2014-2021.