Στην έκθεση Παγκόσμιες Τάσεις 2020 της Ύπατης Αρμοστείας του ΟΗΕ για τους Πρόσφυγες αναφέρεται αύξηση του αριθμού εκτοπισμένων κατά 4% σε σχέση με το 2019. Σύμφωνα με την έκθεση ο αριθμός των ανθρώπων που εγκατέλειψαν τα σπίτια τους το 2020 εξαιτίας των πολέμων, της βίας, των διώξεων και των παραβιάσεων των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων έφτασε σχεδόν τα […]
Afghan refugee makes Iranian sweets and saffron ice cream in her own pastry shop!
The journalist Natassa Karathanou by the Athens-Macedonian Press Agency writes about the story of Zeynab, a young woman from Afghanistan, mother of two, who is today the owner of a pastry shop following the support she got by the Employability Service of the Blue Refugee Center of SolidarityNow in Thessaloniki.
ATHENS NEWS AGENCY-MACEDONIAN PRESS AGENCY: Refugee children from Ritsona were guided to Kallimarmaro and introduced to track and field by Olympic champions
Fifty refugee children from the open accommodation center for refugees in Ritsona visited Kallimarmaro today in order to be guided to the place where the first modern Olympic Games took place, and to get in touch with athletics, under the guidance of great athletes. The visit took place in the framework of the “Kids Love […]

The journalist Fani Sovitsli writes in the newspaper MACEDONIA on April the 18th, about the “Child and Family Support Hubs” program of SolidarityNow and its accomplishments for 2020. “More than 3,000 refugee children at school” The CFSH program’s achievements: 12527 total beneficiaries: 6,242 children and 6,285 adults Furthermore: 3134 children accessed child protection services 330 unaccompanied […]
KATHIMERINI: The serious game, WORKEEN, to help migrants, asylum seekers and refugees gain access to the job market
Lefteris Papagiannakis, the SolidarityNow Head of Advocacy, Policy & Research, talks to KATHIMERINI newspaper about the WORKEEN serious game, which is one of the outcomes of the collaboration among SolidarityNow and other organizations from 7 countries within the European SIRIUS project. The application guides job seekers through the two stages of job search and workplace […]
Athens News Agency-Macedonian Press Agency: Women Refugees create fashion at the Accommodation structure in Vagiochori
“They decorate and sew their dresses with colourful lace, pearls and gold ribbons, they make matching coronavirus masks and “marry” the West with the East in fashion, creating wedding dresses with elements of different cultures!” Small miracles happen in the Female Friendly Space of the “Child & Family Support Hub” of SolidarityNow in Vagiochori! The […]
Radio K: SolidarityNow and the toxic storm
Antigone Lyberaki, General Manager of SolidarityNow, gave an interview to the radio of Kathimerini newspaper and the journalist Michalis Tsintsinis, where she describes the work implemented by the organization from 2013 until today and responds to the vicious defamation attack that targeted SolidarityNow last week. Listen to the podcast, at the following link: https://www.kathimerini.gr/visual/podcasts/561277321/h-solidarity-now-kai-i-toxiki-thyella/.
(Ελληνικά) Η ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ: Tι προσδοκούμε από το δικό μας #MeToo
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