The theater Poreia will host an additional performance of the play “The Great Chimera” on Saturday, November 7th at 5.00pm
All proceeds will support the program of “SolidarityNow”
for refugee children
Athens, 29 October 2015. Children are always war’s greatest victims. And in this refugee crisis, they haven’t been an exception. It is estimated that every year, around 4,000 unaccompanied minors enter Greece. These children – whoa often only five or six years old –travel alone, are abandoned at the border, or lose every contact with their families. Children are a particularly vulnerable group as it faces risks such as exploitation by trafficking networks, child prostitution, or even difficulty to access shelter, food and basic services.
The theater Poreia will host an additional performance of the play “The Great Chimera” on Saturday, November 7th at 5.00pm and in cooperation with “SolidarityNow”, which contributes to the care and protection of unaccompanied minors, in their journey to reach a new, safe home.
All proceeds from this performance will be dedicated to a program that supports unaccompanied minors and single parent families to continue their difficult journey from our islands to Idomeni and from there, to other European countries.
The theater Poreia, the artists and the entire production team of the play “The Great Chimera” by M. Karagatsis (directed by D.Tarloou) will support these vulnerable groups with : basic necessities (rain boots, socks, sleeping bags, scarves, napkins, pampers, baby carriers, blankets etc).
* Note: All proceeds will be allocated to directly support this specific population. The proceeds will not cover the operational needs of “SolidarityNow”.